Development of pharmacology in Uzbekistan
The first department of pharmacology in Uzbekistan was founded in 1920 under the name of pharmacology, pharmacology and pharmacognosy at the newly opened Turkiston State University faculty of medicine. Professor Ivan Ivanovich Markelov (1869-1944), who had been deployed to the newly-established department from the St. Petersburg city of Russia, was the leader of the 1920-1930s. During the first years of the department there was a lack of teachers. For the thirtieth year he worked as professor I.I. Markelov, assistants N.N.Kompancev, K.I. Siverskaya and L.G.Merkulov.In 1930 after being independent the medical faculty of the university was changed to Central Asia Country Medical University.After two years , in 1932 th University was called TashMU.As preparing farmacoligists, especially , local people was acute problem, this was solved through the aspiranture.That is why I.K.Komilov, M.B.Sultonov ,R.S.Sogatov werethe first aspiroants of the department and at the same time they worked as a teacher.
In 1933 N.N.Kompansev(1893-1984) was elected as a head of the department.He with V.Z.Mazgutov established psoralen drug.
At this period K.I.Siverskaya (1938y), I.K.Komilov (1940y) and M.B.Sultonov (1941y) were the preliminary researchers to defence their dissertation of candidacy.
As the Great Patriotic War began, some teachers of the department (I.K.Komilov, M.B.Sultonov, N.A.Kambulin) were sent to front. Side by side with this, pharmacologists which were evacuated from other cities of former Soviet Union – Professor B.B.Nikolaev (Moscow), assistant professor M.I.Olshanskiy and assistant E.A. Stegaylov (Rostov) taught students in the department. Besides, T.G.Sultanov, M.O.Oripov and I.F.Fatkhullaev were appointed as post-graduate students.
Subsequently, R.S.Sogatov and M.B.Sultonov were attended to executive work in Ministry of Healthcare in the Republic of Uzbekistan. I.K.Komilov was appointed as head of Pharmacology Laboratory of the Medical Institute. Afterwards, this laboratory was moved up to the composition of Chemistry of Plant Substances of Uzbekistan Science Academy.
At this period P.S.Sogatov (1944 y), N.A.Kambulin (1946 y) and T.G.Sultonov were defended their dissertations of candidacy.
So at the end of fiftieth years, professor N.N.Kompansev, docents – N.A.Kambulin, T.G.Sultonov, assistants – K.I.Siverskaya, M.O.Oripov, I.F.Fathullaev taught in this department. After little time V.Z.Mazgutov, T.Boyjonov and N.T.Tulaganov started work there. N.G.Babaeva va D.E.Tuniyans entered post-graduate. B.R.Khojaev, who defended his dissertation of candidacy by pharmacology in Leningrad, was assistant. Later V.Z.Mazgutov (1967 y), N.G.Babaeva (1967 y) and D.E.Tuniyans (1971 y) defended candidacy. E.A.Stegaylo (1962 y), who first woked in department, after that moved out Kirghizistan medical institute.
During these years U.B.Zokirov , K.N.Najimutdinov , M.M.Azimov , K.A.Juraeva , M.A.Magrupova , N.A.Eshmukhamedov , N.V.Abdumalikova , Sh.S.umarova , F.T.Toshmukhamedova added to the department.S.M.Vishneveskaya and Sh.X.Xusanov entered to the aspiranture.
From the September in 1969 professor N.N.Komansev began to work as a professor-advise I.K.Komilov(1909-1985) was elected instead of him.
U.B.Zokirov who defensed doctor-dissertation in 1968 was elected as professor of the department in 1970.I.K.Komilov in 1971 and K.Kh.Najimutdinov in 1974 defensed doctor-dissertations. In 1971 N.A.Kambulin was retired and went to the Krasnogar 1972 M.M.Azimov dotsent and in 1974 K.N.Nadjimutdinov changed as professor
In 1972, assistents V. Z. Mazgutov and F. T. Toshmuhammedova agreed to go and open The Department of Pharmacology in newly opened in Tashkent called Central Asia Medical Pediatric Institute. Then great uzbek woman pharmacolog prof. S. S. Azizova(1934-2014 who worked in the institute of chemistry of Plants substances started her activity there.
In the middle of 70th year, Sh. M. Muzrabekov(1974-y) , Z.Z. Hakimov(1975) and R.G. Ganieva(1975-y) defended their PhD works.
In 1978 head of the department prof. I.K. Komilov started working as professor- adviser. In that time prof. U.B. Zokirov was elected as a head of the department.
In 1982 some teachers of the department (professor Kh.X.Najmutdinov,dotsent N.G.Babaeva , assistant N.A.Eshmuxamedov and Sh.M.Muzrabekov) began to work in newly opened department of clinical farmacology and Kh.X.Najmutdinov(1931-2003) was elected as a head of the department . Between 1980 and 1990 E.D.Bajenova(researcher) , S.M.Vishnevskaya , Sh.Kh.Khusanov , E.A.Voloxnyavskiy , L.S.Knyazova , A.J.Juraev(researcher) , S.Z.Mirtursunova( Subject academy of Uzbekistan, institute of Physiology) , Sh.J.Nurmukhamedova , B.Sh.Shoislomov , I.U.Uzokov , M.Tolipova(researcher) , M.T.Alimova (researcher) , D.Yo.Teshaboev , A.T.Nikbaev , Sh.M.Makhsumov , M.A.Shokirova , E.V.Okunskaya , A.Kh.Khojiev(researcher) , B.Sh.Kholtaev defensed aspirant-dissertations , E.Baldandorj(Mongolia) , Z.Solikhujaev(ToshFarmI) and M.M.Azimov defensed doctor-dissertations.
Due to election of U.B.Zokirov as a rector to the TashFarmI , between 1985-1988 M.M.Azimov(born in 1935) was elected as a head of department.
U.B.Zokirov continued scientific-pedagogical activity part time job as professor in this department. Since 1988 year professor U.B.Zokirov reselected head of this department. At that time several new workers were joined to the department: D.N.Karshiev, S.R.Ismoilov, H.X.Pulatov, B.U.Ibragimkhojaev and R.K.G.Gulomova.
In 1990 members of deprtment were divided into two groups who worked for double new 1-TashMI and 2-TashMI.
Docent M.M.Azimov who selected as a head of the department, docent Sh.M.Makhsumov, assistants d.m. Sh.S.Umarova, d.m. Sh.D.Rajapova (Nurmuhammedova), d.m. O.A.Zayseva and S.R.Ismoilov agreed to work in this department of pharmacology of 2-TashMI. Doctor of medical sciences S.F.Fakhrutdinov (worked in department of pharmacology of Tashkent pediatrical medical institute) and Z.Z.Hakimov (head of CSRL of 2-TashMI, part time) joined to them and started working firstly as a docent than as a professor.
In 1-TashSMI farmacology department professor U.B.Zokirov( head) , dotsent K.A.Juraeva, B.Sh.Shoislomov, D.Yo.Teshaboev , head teachers- N.V.Abdumalikova , M.A.Shokirova , assistents- M.O.Mamajonova , M.Yu.Chirko , A.I.Makhkamov ,Kh.Kh.pulatov , R.K.Gulamova , Apirant-D.N.Karshiev , researcher K.M.yafasov were continued working there . medical subject candidants E.A.Voloxvyanskiy , B.Sh.Kholtaev , B.U.Ibragimkhujaeva changed their works to the practical 1992 T.B.Mustanov was sent to the department .
Between 1990-2000 Kh.A.Beridze , A.I.Makhkamov , K.Shukurlaev, R.I.Azimov , O.A.Zayseva , M.Yu.Chirko , M.O.Mamajonova , N.Kh.Sinsatzi , D.N.Karshiev , Kh.X.Pulatov , S.R.Ismoilov , U.I.Khakimova , K.M.Yafasov ,T.B.Mustanov , S.R.Abdullaev defensed candidat-dissertations ,A.T.Nikbaev , B.Sh.Shoislomov and D.Yo.teshaboev defensed their doctor-dissertations.Apart from that K.Shukurlaev , N.Shilsova( both TashFarMI ) , G.Uzokova , Z.Alimuxamedova ( both UzRep Health physiotheurapy SRI) ) , U.Ismoilov ,B.Bekchanov ( both Urgench state university medical centre) ,Sh.A Sultonova( Andijan State Medical university ) defensed candidat-dissertations , O.M.Ryanskiy , T.D.Gulamov , A.X. Abdullaev , D.N. defensed their doctor-dissertations
One of them , Kh.A.Beridze was one of the Turkish Universities, N.Kh.Tsintsardze enters the department of pharmacology in the Medical Institute of Adjaria Autonomous republic of Georgia. D.N.Karshiev worked as manager to the department of pharmacology of SamSMI and S.R.Ismoilov to the department of pharmacology and clinical pharmacology of the Urgench branch of TashSMI, K.Shukurlaev to the department of normal physiology and biophysics, O.M.Ryanskaya and A.A.Abdumajidov(one by one) to the department of normal physiology of TashPMI. A.I.Makhkamov governed clinical pharmacology in BukhSMI , R.I.Azimov and Kh.Kh.Pulatov were employed in TashSMI number of 2 , Sh.A.Sultonova and K.Yafasov went to work as doctors.
In1998 Professor Khakimov(1947) was appointed as the manager in the department of pharmacology of TashSMI number of 2 at the post of Azizov. In this department there were Professor Z.Z.Khakimov(manager), professor M.M.Azimov. professor S.F.Faxrutdinov, docent O.A.Zayseva, head teacher Sh.J.Radjapova, assistants L.A.Payzieva, I.V.Tsoy, L.I.Alimukhamedova, G.M.Akhmedova , D.A.Gofurova , N.S.Nurmukhamedova and head laborants D.U.Eshmukhamedova, N.A.Khudayberganova, post-graduete A.R.Karimova.
Except that professor A.H.Rakhmonov (2002-2003 y.), G.E.Said (2001-2003 y.), E.B.Nosirova (2002-2004 y.), Y.M.Haitov (2003-2004 y.) and A.R.Isoqjonova, who worked in department for a little time, worked with students of treatment, medical pedagogic and medical prophylactic faculties.
On the July of 2005 year 1st and 2nd TashMIs were united and converted to Tashkent medical academy. So departments of pharmacology of these institutes again united, new team formed and professor Z.Z.Hakimov appointed as head of this department. In 2007 year professor Z.Z.Hakimov decided to be professor in this department not head, because there were hard works in inspection of internal control and monitoring of Tashkent medical academy.
That is why from the beginning of September 2007-y , B.Sh.Shoislomov (1953-y) was elected as head of the department .
Between 2009-2010 professor B.Sh.Islomov, professor Z.Z.Khakimov, docent Sh.M.Makhsumov, T.B.Mustanov, O.A.Zatseva, M.Yu.Chirko, L.K.Yakubova, 2009-2010 academic year professor B.S. Shoislomov (head), professor Z.Z. Khakimov, docent SH.M.Makhsumov, T.B.Mustonov, O.A.Zayceva, M.Yu.Chirko, L.K.Yokubova, senior lecturers M.Mamajonova, L.A. Payzieva, assistant L.I.Alimu khamedova, Ph.D. Z.Fayziyeva, postgraduate student S.Makhmudov, senior laboratory assistant Sh.J.Rajapova, trainee I.V.Coy. Professors O’.B.Zokirov and M.M.Azimov in 2008, continued her pedagogical activity. Employees of the Urgench branch of the academy – associate professors S.R.Ismoilov (2005) and others. Shukurlayevs (2007) have their doctoral dissertations. In the following years professor ALZh.Allaeva (the head), professor Z.Zakimov, professor B.Shoislamov, docent SHMMakhsumov, T.Mustonov, O.A. Zayceva, senior lecturer MA Mamajonova, assistants D.D. Achilov, H.I.Hudoyberdiyev, OOAskarovs are working.To date have been pharmacology more than 20 doctors and more than 100 science candidate in Uzbekistan. As a result of scientists’ research, have been introduced several now substances and being used effectively into medical practice.
Thanks to be efforts of the departments of pharmacology in the our Medical Institutes of the country, employes of a number of research laboratories, scientists, chemical and pharmacology is developing in Uzbekistan day by day.