

Assalomu alaykum hurmatli jamoa! 18.02.2025 yil soat 11.30 da 313-xonada kafedra mustaqil izlanuvchisi MAHMARAIMOV ShAVKAT TO‘XTAShOVICh ning “Aesculus hippocastanum L. ASOSIDA OLINGAN YANGI PREPARATNING EKSPERIMENTAL KRASh SINDROMIDA YALLIG‘LANIShGA QARShI XUSUSIYaTLARI” mavzusidagi dissertatsiya ishining muhokamasiga barchangizni taklif etamiz.

Announcement!!! On March 15, 2024, in the first year at the Department of Pharmacology of TMA, a lecture integrated between the disciplines of normal physiology, pathological physiology and pharmacology was held on the topic: “Physiological and pathological aspects of anemia and the pharmacology of drugs affecting erythropoiesis” for students of group 301 of the international faculty – TMA -KSMU and 201 groups of the 1st Faculty of Medicine. Lecturers: associate professors Saydalikhojaeva S.Z., Zaitseva O.A., senior lecturer Tadzhibaeva R.B. The lecture covered the issues of erythropoiesis, anemia from the standpoint of physiology, pathological physiology and examined pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, features of the use of drugs affecting erythropoiesis.

We have GREAT news!!!!!!!! The day of defense of the candidate’s dissertation of the main doctoral student of our department, Dzanaev Gairat Yusupovich, has been announced. Topic of the dissertation, specialty code (name of the field of science in which the academic degree is awarded): “The effectiveness of lesbochol for damage to the gastric mucosa,” 14.00.17-Pharmacology and clinical pharmacology (medical sciences). Dissertation topic registration number: B2021.1.PhD/Tib1722. Scientific supervisor: Munira Yurakulovna Allaeva, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor. Name of the institution where the dissertation was completed: Tashkent Medical Academy. Name of the institution (institutions) in which the IC operates, IC number: Tashkent Medical Academy, MD.04/30.12.2019.Tib.30.02. Official opponents: Khamraev Abror Asrorovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor; Fayzieva Zieda Toraevna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Leading organization: Tashkent State Dental Institute. Direction of the dissertation: theoretical and practical.