Category: News
Announcement!!! An open lesson will be held on 10.12.2022 in 1-2 pairs by the assistant of the department of pharmacology Kholmatov Jasurbek Abdihoshim son. We invite professors and students.
Announcement!!! On 12.12.2022, an open lesson will be held in 1-2 pairs in the Treatment-1 314B group by Sultanov Sardor Allayar, assistant professor of the department of pharmacology. We invite professors and teachers.
Announcement!!! Assistant of our department, Askarov Osimjon Olimjonovich, an open lesson will be held on 09.12.2022 in 1-2 pairs, Treatment-1 309 B group. We invite professors, teachers and students.
Jasurbek Abdihoshimovich Kholmatov, assistant of the department of pharmacology, obtained the B2 level of the “CEFR” national certificate in English. This is a huge achievement!!! We wish good luck to other employees of the department.
V International Book Edition of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States “BEST YOUNG SCIENTIST – 2022”
Tursunbekova Shahzoda Isroil qizi, a student of 215-B group of the Medical Faculty of the Tashkent Medical Academy, took part in the tournament and was awarded the 1st place diploma.